Monday, November 9, 2009

"non gay hater"

In the blog Politics: A Perfect Destruction there is a post on gay marriage that I don't entirely agree with. Toohey made it clear that he "is not a gay hater" yet he doesn't think they should have the same legal rights as the rest of us. I do agree with the argument that if someone is recognized as married in one state they should be in the rest of the country. What I don't agree with is that we should just be quiet and obey/respect a document that is over 200 years old. (Need I remind you that if we followed those orders all the time African Americans would still be enslaved, women wouldn't be allowed to vote, and many other historical chains would still be placed on society.)
Those opposed to gay marriage claim that marriage needs to be protected, protected from whom? Giving same sex couples the legal right to marry doesn't take anything away from marriage or make marriage between a man and woman less legal. Again, this is not a religious issue, but it has become one to those who believe that homosexuality is a sin. People claim the bible says that it's wrong, therefore it is wrong. Well, in the bible Jesus says nothing about same-sex behavior, and only six of the Bible's one million verses refer to homosexuality as it's known today. Historically people's misinterpretation of the Bible has led to bloodshed. Some examples would be slavery; persecuting Jews and other non-Christian people of faith;witch hunts;supporting Hitler's Third Reich and the Holocaust;opposing medical science;condemning interracial marriage, so on and so forth. Another point is that there are several verses in the Bible that we do not follow, like if a bride is not a virgin she should be stoned; if a married person has sex with someone elses spouse, the Bible commands that both adulterers be stoned to death; need I go on?
I don't think you can say you love a community of people, but think it's ok for them to be denied their basic rights as American citizens. You don't have to agree with the lifestyle, but you should see that certain people are being discriminated against. Until those opposed can look past their personal prejudices there will be no justice for the gay and lesbian community.


  1. I agree completely with the blog “on gay hater” when it say a ban on gay marriage is wrong. Marriage is not just a religious practice, it is a legal contract binding two people. The states need to decide whether or not to allow gay marriage. It is not right and should not be legal for someone who is married in one state to not have it honored in another sate. Once a strait couple is married its honored all through the US. They bring up a good point bringing up how this is just like women’s rights, and black rights. I also think its it was great how Mollie mentioned how passing this would not make “regular” marriage any less legal. I completely agree when she says it should not be a religious issue. Like when she mentions if we followed the bible non virgin brides would be stoned. All in all I think she did a great job voicing her opinion while also calling a hole bunch of people out on some bs reasoning.

  2. This is for Mollie, and no this is not a angered retort, this is simply some... debate. :)

    So this is mainly for the last part about the laws in the Bible that state people being stoned or killed for sin. (FYI: you have entered the RELIGIOUS part, now exiting Government class).

    I am glad to hear that you know what the Bible says (sorry, it is part of my "duty" to be happy for you knowing the Bible). One thing that people over look when they read a historical document is one of two things; they do not read it fully or they do not read it in context with full knowledge of the history. In the Bible there are two testaments (you probably know this already,) old and new. In the old testament you have the laws set by Moses, and (more or less) kept by the Hebrews (AKA God's chosen people/the Israelite People). In the new testament, there comes Jesus (I know you know him). He is a radical thinker, today he is loved by people in the church and outside the church ( I say this because I have asked people what they think of Jesus compared to the Church, all people who were not Christians. All of them had something positive to say about Jesus, and ALL negative to the Church (ouch to me)). The reason why I can say the argument that says that, "if we did what the Bible says we would be stoning a lot of people", I can say that is wrong. When Jesus came he changed a lot of things, and one of the biggest things he changed that many (inside and outside the church) do not know are the laws that Moses established. He (and begin quote of Christians here) "Died for our sins so that we can be free (He lived a pure and sinless life, so he took on our sins)." I know it sounds cliche and all, but when he died he set aside all the kinds of "stoning" punishments. Now most of the laws stayed, but the punishments changed. You no longer die (unless by Law in our countries) in real life, but in spirit and eternally. Whether or not you believe what I say is true or not, this is the facts on my side.

    One thing that I like to say is, that just as you may dislike most Christians, so do I. We have been the most double standard, hard hearted, argumentative, and least loving people. We say do this to everyone, when we barely keep our own rules. I want to say sorry for all the Christians that have ever been like that to you. I do want to say that there are a few of us who are trying to do it the right way, it is not easy, but we are trying.
